June 25, 2012

Do the Wave

By now most of you have heard about my big hair make-over several weeks ago on Breakfast Television after winning the Real Canadian Hair Challenge. What you may not know, however, is that immediately after the BT live eye wrapped up, my hair was washed, taken back to "before", and styled all over again for the cameras. The result was this webisode:

I still can't get through the full 1:53 without blushing, giggling, and rolling my eyes at myself (Do I really sound like that??), but I have nothing but the happiest memories about that day and the whole experience in general. Dove Canada treated me like an absolute star and Mark Townsend made me feel so comfortable and pampered. I left with gorgeous hair, a TON of product, and a memory that will last a lifetime.

And, possibly the best "before" picture in the history of challenged hair.

1 comment:

  1. that's amazing!
    you sound a bit constrained and awestruck :)
